Week 5: Flipped Classroom pt2
Making the best use of F2F time: valuable time
Classroom Management
- Respond to students with mail merge
- Student management with Google Groups
Making the Distributed classroom interactive
- Ted-Ed
- Google forms to respond
- Google Doc to take collaborative notes
- Choose your own adventure videos
- PBL: Project-Based Learning
- http://cybraryman.com/projectbasedlearning.html
- projects, not lectures in class
- example: Google Art Project + estimation
- Student Collaboration
- edmodo: like Facebook for the classroom
- moodle: a Learning Management System (LMS) to create effective online learning sites
- wikispaces: wikis are editable by anyone
- Create a book on Wikipedia: Find a page you like, click Print/Export, and Create a Book
- Google Sites
- pen.io: Create a website/blog post in seconds
- Collaborize Classroom: engaging threaded discussions
- school provided vs. BYOD
- compare various devices
- Backchannels
- Today’s Meet
- Hashtags on Twitter
- Virtual Classrooms / Synchronous Meetings
- Google Hangouts – Revisited
- Elluminate Live
- Go To Meeting
- Skype– Mystery Skype Project- Jo-Ann
- Adobe Connect
- oovoo
- Facetime
- Video Streaming
- Ustream/ Ustream Producer: Host a live show
- Justin.tv: Host a live show; like Ustream, but smaller
- Google Hangouts On Air
- Wirecast: Live streaming production software (free trial)
- Boinx TV: Live streaming production software (free trial)