Week 3: Google
- Hangouts
- Hangouts on Air
- g+ as PLN
- g+ events
Google Drive/Docs
- Docs
- collaborative writing
- sharing
- comments
- features: table of contents, research, define, revision history
- publish to web
- http://gweb-docs-story-generator.appspot.com/
- Spreadsheets
- google forms
- response to flipped lectures
- interactive: jump to page based on answer
- scripts
- flubaroo
- another mail merge
- doctopus
- Auto fill spreadsheets, example: list of fruits
- google forms
- Presentations
- view together during preso
- collaborate
- good backup
- no mobile editing
Google Apps
- Reader
- Google Art Project
- Images: similar, by color, by type
- Books
- maps/trips/Earth: My Places > Create Map; make custom maps in an interactive tutorial
- dashboard
- marketplace
- groups
- domain settings
- email trick: +1, +2 to sign up students, or to have multiple accounts
- filters: demo
- drafts
- multiple accounts: personal, professional, teacher