This workshop is the result of research with exemplary special education teachers who deeply understand what it takes to integrate technology into learning in creative, intentionally serendipitous ways. The workshop is founded on the discovery of a critical need to access free and low cost resources and use of these resources with diverse learners. As a group, special education teachers tend to integrate technology into learning activities less than regular education teachers (Courduff & Szapkiw, [in press]; Courduff 2014; Edyburn, 2009). There is good reason for this. Due to the multitude of demands within the special education environment, there is little time to make connections between technology resources and the most basic use and integration of technology into teaching practices. With the additional burden of funding cuts, technology integration is even more difficult to implement. This hands-on presentation will focus on free and low cost technology resources that address communication and literacy needs of diverse learners. This will include an overview of assistive technology basics and simple ways to use technology resources already available on computers. Participants will be introduced to Apps for communication and literacy goals, MS Office and website resources. Participants will discover powerful application of these resources with diverse learners.
- Task/Tool alignment for speech-language pathologists
- Task/Tools matrix aligning common curricular tasks and tech tools
- SpEd/GenEd resource spreadsheet
- Presentation slidedeck