If you’ve seen word clouds like Wordle, you will love Tagul. It is designed to make gorgeous, interactive word clouds. Paste text or a ULR into Tagul, and it makes a dynamic word cloud. Embed the could on a website, and the words are clickable and searchable.
If you’ve seen word clouds like Wordle, you will love Tagul. It is designed to make gorgeous, interactive word clouds. Paste text or a ULR into Tagul, and it makes a dynamic word cloud. Embed the could on a website, and the words are clickable and searchable. Here is an example:
You can customize the fonts, cloud shape, and colors. You can even customize the search source–a Google search is default when they click on a word, but you can have the search on your website when they click on a word. This is excellent for websites you’ve created that are full of resources. When a student click on a word in your Tagul, it searches your website and displays relevant posts and pages.
Here are my notes from my TeachMeet presentation in Kentucky on Tagul:
You need an account to create a Tagul. You are able to create up to 20 clouds (recently increased from ten!).
2. Paste information
You can paste text or a URL to generate the cloud. URLs are great for displaying hierarchical ideas because Tagul makes more frequent words bigger in the could. Pasted text could be useful if you are studying a book or article. Important words will pop out, and students will immediately see the big ideas from the text.
3. Customize
You can eliminate frequent or unimportant words (like: the, as, I, we, so, etc.). Customize fonts, shapes, and colors to match your website or the mood of the text.
4. Preview
Click Generate Cloud to see a preview. Every time you click this, a unique cloud is created. If you don’t like the look, either click Generate again or go back and modify the cloud.
5. Embed
Be sure to click save to keep your updates. Tagul gives you embed code that you can paste into your website or blog.