Week 5: Mobile Video
Collaborative Video
There are two parts to this workflow for creating a collaborative video: Mobile Upload and YouTube Editor
Part 1: Mobile Upload
- Record a video clip on a mobile device show a specific number of items: Angie 1, Ashley 2, Briana 3, Courtney 4, Erin 5, Hilary 6, Jen 7, Michelle 8, Tash 9, Ryan B 10, Ryan R 11, Taylor 12. For example, Sasha might record 8 lemons, and Linda might record 2 cars driving.
- Email that clip to the email address on the YouTube Settings page. For this project, email your video clip to 9olc7zlyr6rw@m.youtube.com (On the YouTube Settings page on your own account, you can select a different mobile address if it is inappropriate.)
- The email subject = video title (include the number you were assigned); email body = video description
- The email address above will upload the file to the EDUC 514 YouTube channel at https://www.youtube.com/eduawesome .
- The default for uploads (on the 514 YouTube account) is Creative Commons. This allows others to edit videos.
Part 2: YouTube Editor
- Go to http://www.youtube.com/editor
- Click on Creative Commons tab (CC), and search for the tag “514week5”.
- Drag each classmates’ clip from that new playlist into your editing timeline.
- Trim the clips (beginning/end).
- Click the music tab, and select a soundtrack.
- Save the new video to your channel.
- Submit the URL of the new video.